
Chapter 31

Derek pov

A knock sounds on the door and I sigh getting up to answer it. Standing out there is Jon and Jennifer both look pass me to Mia. I stare at them.

"You look better, Jennifer moves pass me and goes to Mia, I brought you snacks",I look at Jon but he ignores me to stare at his mate. Great just fucking great.

"I feel okay",I hear Mia say as I go back to my food. Mia eats while they visit and by the time they leave I'm pissed. Jon didn't acknowledge me or look at me. I miss him. I miss our moments of pleasure. I get a flash of Mia riding my cock and I hold in a groan.

"I need to pee",Mia mumbles.

"Can I help?",she nods yes and I pick her up. Holding her close I hate how light she feels as I walk to the bathroom. I like the closeness of her little body in mine. Fuck this feels normal to me. I place her gently on her feet and look down as she goes to move her nightgown up but she freezes.

"Do you think you can step out?",I just look at her.

"No, I watch her eyes go wide, if you pass o
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