
Chapter 43

Derek pov

Those fuckers are in my house attacking my mate making me haul ass to get home. Dad and a few warriors run with me as I run.

"I'm killing them all!!",I roar as I run. Getting outside my house I hear gunfire and my heart drops.

"Luke!!!",is screamed by Mia as I put the code in and rush in. Fran is trying to fight off a rogue ripping her shirt open. A rolling pin in her hand and she swings and battle cries. She blocks the hallway to my pups.

"Asshole!!!",she yells swinging. He roars in pain as she connects with his shoulder.

"You bitch!",he goes to hit her when a warrior catches his arm a deadly roar escaping his mouth.

"Don't hit my mate, he yanks the rogue back and snaps his neck, fucker",he drops him and rushes to Fran.

"Luke, Mia sobs as she clutches him to her, baby wake up look at mama",he is out his little head cut open. I growl catching the rogues attention that was going after Mia.

"Get the fuck away from my mate and pup",I growl my tone deep as I feel my claws extend
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