
50. Blues

Frightened, yet alive.

And he hasn't even touched me yet.

Sex hasn't been an enticing word for me in a damn long time. With Rune, and then...Alaric. The first had been an experience I had initiated, created. The second had been forced on me.

That isn't why I'm frightened though. I know Sinclair would never hurt me. It is what comes after sex with Sinclair that frightens me. Will he stop being obsessed with me? Will he dump me and move on to the next?

I hate that I doubt everything. That I second guess everything. But then, I've been through enough to give my trust freely to anyone. I've been through enough to really let myself believe that I could have a happy ending.

It seems far-fetched. One good thing happens, it gets overshadowed by a ton of bad things. Damn, my life is full of so much drama, I can barely catch a break.

I try to tell my story, but it would seem the one with the pen doesn't like me much.

"Come," Sinclair orders, turning away from me. "Sit."

And I
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