
Chapter 26 The conditions

I stumbled into the washroom, the overwhelming urge to vomit consuming me. I doubled over, my body wracked with spasms as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. It felt like I was expelling every ounce of strength along with the sickness, my head spinning with dizziness.

After some time, I managed to regain my composure, leaning against the cool tiles for support as I caught my breath. Slowly, I straightened up, wiping my mouth with trembling hands before stepping out of the washroom.

To my surprise, Noel was waiting for me outside. Panic surged through me, fearing that he might have discovered my secret. Clutching my stomach protectively, I braced myself for his interrogation.

“You?” I stammered, my voice wavering with anxiety. “Why are you here?”

“I waited for you. When you didn’t come, I came to check on you,” he replied simply, his expression unreadable.

Relief washed over me as he made no mention of my condition. I quickly composed myself, eager to leave the u
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