
Chapter 5 The Werewolf Bar

I could barely contain the feelings that were racing around inside me. My stomach fluttered. My nerves were in a frenzy, rendering me motionless. Anxiety and fear gripped me, yet an inexplicable thrill coursed through my veins.

The very thought of leaning into him and basking in the warmth of his embrace overwhelmed me, even though I couldn't quite fathom my peculiar fascination for him. Attempting to dismiss these emotions proved futile, especially with his hot breath sending shivers down my spine.

In the meantime, the door swung open, introducing a tall figure—the same man who had accompanied Noel. The sudden intrusion prompted Noel to step back, and I hastily fled the room, my heart pounding in my chest.

Nervousness consumed me, causing my entire body to tremble as I hurried back to my desk, yearning to leave the scene behind. Fate, however, had alternate plans.

Upon reaching my desk, a surprise awaited me—a new file, challenging my assumption that the day's tasks were complete. Annoyance surged through me, and I quickly dialed Lara's number to voice my discontent.

“Hey, Adel, I have been looking for you." Lara’s voice came out of the phone. “Then I learned that the CEO had summoned you. Is everything okay?”

I didn’t know what to say. Nothing was okay between me and the CEO. I was not sure how long I would be able to work here. Despite my uneasiness, I maintained my cool.

“Yes, things are fine. Um, this file; can I check it tomorrow?” I asked, hoping she would agree. Unfortunately, Lara's response dashed my hopes.

“No, Adel, these documents need to be checked urgently, and I can only rely on you. Please finish checking it and send me a report.”

I sighed, looking at the file. I never said no to Lara, but today I wanted to leave early. But I couldn’t turn her down in the end. Despite my inner turmoil, I agreed to handle it. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Thank you, Adel. You are a savior.” Her gratitude only intensified my irritation with the situation.

Slumping into my desk, I reluctantly opened the file, realizing that leaving early was not in the cards for me.

Several hours later...

The clock hands had inched their way into the late hours, and I found myself immersed in work until completion. The lights in the CEO’s office were still on. I quickly made my way out of the company, saying good night to my colleagues.

I was surprised to see Richard standing outside the gate, holding a bouquet of flowers. A pang of unease gripped my heart, suspecting he had come for Jennifer. My initial reaction was to ignore him and keep walking, but he called out to me, forcing me to pause.

"Adel, wait," he said, approaching me with a look of determination on his face. "I've been waiting for you."

His words astounded me, and confusion raced through my mind. Why would he be waiting for me? Didn't he have enough to betray me? I tried to compose myself and responded coldly, "What do you want, Richard?"

"I'm sorry, Adel," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "My apologies for what happened that night. Can you ever forgive me?"

My anger boiled over at his request. How dare he ask for my forgiveness after what he had done? I glared at him.

"Forgive you!" I scoffed. "You slept with my rival in my house, on my bed. I couldn't forget it. Richard, you are a scoundrel.”

He looked genuinely hurt by my words, but I didn't care. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to try to manipulate me again. I pushed his flowers away, not wanting any part of his fake apology.

"Get lost, Richard," I spat, turning my back on him. "Don't bother coming near me again."

"Please, Adel. I beg you," he implored, anxiety etched on his face.

His expression was shrouded in anxiety. I was unsure if he was really guilty or if it was his pretension. I hadn’t forgotten his conversation with Jennifer. There was no way I would fall for his ruse.

"Don't break up with me, please," he pleaded further. "I was drunk that night, and I didn't know what I was doing. I regret my actions. Please, Adel. I apologize. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I missed you so much."

My skepticism deepened. After betraying me, he claimed to miss me. I wasn't buying it.

"Is that so?" I sneered, unconvinced.

"Please, believe me, Adel," he continued, gripping my hands and placing the bouquet of red roses in them. "It was all Jennifer's doing. She manipulated me and seduced me. I was drunk. I regret my actions. I sincerely apologize to you."

I couldn’t believe how effortlessly Richard shifted the blame onto Jennifer. For a moment, I agreed that Jenniffer manipulated him. But the memory of his cruelty in attempting to make me infertile lingered in my mind. His words were a feeble attempt to regain my trust, but I remained unconvinced, sensing an ulterior motive.

"I heard your conversation with Jennifer," I stated, pushing his hands away. "You've been giving me pregnancy-preventing pills for the past four years. How cruel can you be?"

His expression wavered, clouded with sorrow, yet I found it challenging to believe his apparent remorse. The excuse he offered only fueled my skepticism.

"I was a moron," he began, attempting to explain himself. "I didn't want you to go through the pain of childbirth. That's why I did that. You are already thin. On top of that, you work until late at the office and barely have time to take care of yourself. I was afraid your health would deteriorate because of the childbirth."

"Really?" I scoffed, letting out a bitter laugh and rolling my eyes. "I can't believe this."

Insistent on proving his sincerity, Richard grabbed my hands once more. “I am telling the truth,” he asserted. “Please, Adel, I promise to make amends. As long as you are willing to get back to me, I’ll keep you happy. I’ll give you so much wealth that you will not have to work anymore. Your future will be prosperous. Your life will be filled with happiness. Please consider it.”

I’d never fall into his trap again. However, the questions in my mind prompted me to consider his words. "Okay," I said reluctantly. "I can give you a chance. But I have some questions. If you answer me honestly, I'll consider getting back to you."

A hint of hope crept into Richard's smile. "Yes, yes. Ask me anything."

"You mentioned something to Jennifer regarding your family's successor," I pressed on. "I remember you saying gamma successor or something. What does it mean?"

Silence enveloped Richard, his demeanor turning somber. After a contemplative pause, he spoke, "I'll explain it to you. Come with me."

My skepticism intensified as he led me to his car, prompting me to question, "Where are you taking me?"

"You want answers, right? I'll show you something," he replied. Reluctantly, I got into the car, and Richard drove off, leaving me unsure of what awaited at the end of this unexpected journey.

As we drove through the city, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Richard's words struck a chord within me, and I found myself wavering between belief and disbelief.

I glanced over at him, studying his profile as he focused on the road ahead. His jaw was set, and his brow furrowed in concentration. What was he hiding?

We arrived at a bar on the outskirts of the city.

"This is where the answers you seek lie," he said, his voice low and mysterious. "Come with me."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should follow him. But my curiosity got the better of me, and I nodded, stepping out of the car.

Richard, wrapping his arm around me, drew me closer. In a hushed tone, he murmured in my ear, "This is not an ordinary bar. I mean, it's not for ordinary humans."

Perplexed, I inquired, "What do you mean?" The patrons in the bar appeared entirely human, making his statement all the more confusing.

"It's a werewolf bar," he revealed.

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