
Chapter 55 Only Alpha blood can inherit the title.

I felt uneasy under his scrutinizing gaze. The way he looked at my belly sent me a jolt of terror. I wrapped my arms around my abdomen protectively, feeling resentment toward Tina. I doubted that she had told her father my escape plan.

“I am sure the baby is not Noel’s,” he said. “It’s someone else’s. You lied to him. But I am not a fool like Noel.”

I was relieved to know that Tina had said nothing to him. But a fury unfurled within me. I chuckled derisively.

“Do you think I can fool him?” I scoffed. “Noel is not an ordinary werewolf. He is the Alpha. How could he fail to recognize his own blood and flesh? He would have killed me a long time ago if I had lied to him about the baby.”

He laughed off my words. “Nice trick, Miss Adelynn. You and Noel are playing a very nice game. But let me tell you something clearly: don’t start dreaming that he will fall in love with you. Soon, you will be kicked out of the pack and Noel’s life. It’s just a matter of time.”

The retort I had for Ryan die
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