
40. Tell Him


"Madison, are you okay?"

I look at Frida but say nothing.

"Madison! Are you okay? Why are you looking at me like I have three heads?" Frida giggles nervously.

"Am I okay!? How can you ask me that? Of course, I am not okay! I have four humans growing inside me. FOUR!" I nearly scream.

Frida chuckles at my outburst. "Aww, sweetheart. Do not freak out about this. Just breathe, okay? It's going to be okay."

I continue to stare at Frida, my eyes filled with a mix of shock, fear, and disbelief. How can she be so calm about this? Four babies growing inside me—how can anything be okay about that? I try to take Frida's advice and take a deep breath, but it feels impossible.

"This is not funny, Frida. It's overwhelming, terrifying even. I don't know how to handle this."

Frida's expression softens, and she gently touches my hand. "I'm sorry, Madison. I didn't mean to laugh. I understand that it's a lot to take in, but I'm here for you."

I take a deep breath. "Thank you, Frida. I apprecia
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