
33: Full moon and love.

The queen stared at the garden as she passed and stood on the vanguard tower. Then, Aileen had remembered the leaf on her hair. She sighed and muttered to herself, "I shouldn't have listened to that book."

The rationale why she went to the garden that day was to get a butterfly as part of the preparation for casting a spell. According to the book, she has to burn red petals of rose and Butterfly's antennae. At first, it's too cruel to do that to an insect, but despite her conscience bugging her not to waste the creature's antennae, she still proceeded, following the book's mandates.

'If it wasn't for that leaf. I wouldn't have mistaken Viishaun from Shaun,' is what her mind jogging circles as she makes her way to her office.

"Madam, are you going to start working now?" says Athena, who Aileen had bumped into.

"Yes. I will start reading what I should do in my office."

"Don't worry, madam. The king will bring in a lady-in-waiting/finance adviser to work as your alter ego, so you do
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