

A chapter from my story that was never published the following part was meant after Oliver accepted him being a little.

Chapter title: I Nu Wanna.

Oliver POV.

Being a little is fun, why did i fight them in the beginning. They do everything for me, I'm spoiled rotten between them two. And if that's not enough the rest of the pack would spoil me too, just one puppy eyes look and I'll get some extra candy.

Again remind me why i was complaining? Today is just a regular day, i woke up to kisses all over my face. I tried to push whoever is kissing me away but to no use, i was attacked by a second enemy with tickles all over.

"I'm up I'm up" I screamed making the attacks stop finally. I looked to see my two daddies with a smug look on their faces.

"Good morning my pretty prince" the kisser said.

"Had good sleep?" the tickler added.

I only frowned, they know i don't like to be woken up early. Especially on a Saturday, even my cartoons aren't on yet.

"Sorry honey but we need to leave fo
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