
Chapter 33

When Elodie saw Adam furiously stomp toward her, her lips immediately constricted from the laughter that previously added to her glow.

"Where's Gianna?"

Elodie smirked, "having the fun of her life." She sipped the liquid that later splashed on her dress as a result of Adam ungraciously pulling her by the arm and heading upstairs. "Stupid creep, get your hand off me."

"Until you tell me where Gianna is."

The party, at this moment, froze as hundreds of eyes concentrated on the four individuals.

"What part of having fun don't you understand? Leave me alone, you're embarrassing my personality," Elodie cried.

"What direction did they take?" He referred to Mimie, at the tail of the line.

"That way." So did the line bend into a long corridor of doors. A boy walked out of one of them struggling with his zippers while a girl followed cue with a bird's nest in the name of hair.

The two regarded them like aliens from planet non compos mentis

"Which room?" Now he referred to Elodie. "A
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