
Deliberately let you catch me

“ I will never allow that . “ said Luna glaring at him annoyed .

Massimo smirked like he was expecting her to say that . He got up from his seat and went towards her . Luna looked at him confused as to what he was trying to do . He gabbed the couch with one hand and leaned his upper body , facing face to face Luna . He softly grabbed her chin and looked at he right in the eye .

“ So , does that mean you agree ? “ asked Massimo with a naughty smirk .

Luna gulped as she was never used to having a boy be so close to her . She felt her breath becoming heavy as she stared at his captivating eyes .

“ I………I……agree . “ said Luna .

Massimo grinned devilishly as he looked at his lips .

‘ ……These soft lips…… one has ever touched them before . ‘ thought Massimo intrigued to place his lips on hers but stopped .

He didn’t want to startle her at the beginning .

“ A cake is more delicious when eaten slowly . “ said Massimo with a smirk .

“ Huh ? “ said Luna confused , not understanding wha
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