
Inbetween 24

The March morning sun did not seem so happy. It was furnace hot- attempting to roast my fair skin black.  I was standing at the junction waiting for Keke; early in the morning, it was always difficult to get one around my neighbourhood. If one finally came around, they did not like to go to my work area because of the distance. They seemed like people afraid of working for money because I understand the distance and I pay accordingly.

The body lotion I applied was conflicting matters more. I kept dabbing my face with a white handkerchief till it was all wet and stained with the brown powder I applied that morning . There was a gutter behind me and for a split strange second, I considered sitting at the edge. I watched as a Keke approached and immediately sped off when I mentioned the address of my work place .

Unable to find an empty Keke I hugged my hand bag to my chest, moving from feet to feet. A car rolled

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