
the biggest fool!

No matter how populated they were, they couldn't hold a candle to Cannon as he kept on clawing them into pieces and ripping out the body parts.

He was so good at it, like an amazing killer. All his mind and attention were on his kill until a sudden loud and piercing scream was heard.

Cannon's head immediately snaps to the building, heart pounding in his chest at the mistake he has made.

Without waiting for a second scream, he carries himself into the building at the speed of lightning heading back to Audrey.

He had no time to think about what might be going on, the moment he pushed open the door, he rushed directly to Audrey.

Audrey was still in a complete mess as she held onto the dagger willing to plunge into who so ever dared to move.

But it was so unfortunate that Cannon blindly came forward, out of reflex, she stabbed the dagger directly into his chest and into his heart.

She was so fast that before she could realize her actions, Cannon spits out a mouthful of blood.

He looked do
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