
chapter 60

'Trust is an unexplainable part of any relationship ' when Jonathan and my mother separated their way this was exactly what my nanna told me , in her words when trust fades away from a relationship there is nothing left except an empty shell that traps two people together until they decide to even break that shell that was tying them together . I was a firm believer of this theory which was why I didn't want to doubt Jacob after what Chris just told me but still after much tossing and turning I was still widely awake , staring at RM poster on my ceiling point blank .

But for some reason even my charming RM couldn't get my mind off Jacob , after the 'very nice 'chat with my brother - I came to my room to watch Korean dramas on loop , stalked cough platonically surfed RM 's official page but nothing - my mind was still in a mess.

" god dammit !" cursing I sat up straight and glared at the wall opposite to my bed , I

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