
120. Thank You, Darwin

"Veronica, how's it going? When are you going to announce your baby's name? We're all waiting for it. It's like waiting for the announcement of the elected president, taking forever," complained Randy while visiting Veronica in the hospital.

Two days after undergoing post-delivery care and getting through the critical period, Veronica's condition could be considered improving. She could now sit up and even slowly get used to holding her newborn baby.

Veronica was certainly delighted. Besides being allowed to sleep together, she had also started slowly breastfeeding, after allowing her son to consume formula milk for a few days.

At this point, almost all the family members had come to visit her. From the presence of her husband, followed by her in-laws, and not forgetting Darwin's cousins who never missed a visit and always livened up the atmosphere.

"What's the big deal, anyway? You see

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