
Chapter 390 Thank You

"Alice is such a sweet girl. You don't cherish her, but you are obsessed with that woman! What can that woman bring you? She doesn't even care about what you do for her! You're so stupid!" Angelica was so furious that her voice trembled.

"Aunt Angelica..." Alice couldn't say anything under the circumstances. She could only turn to Carson, but she didn't think Carson would listen to her at the time, so she glanced at Robbie. Then she said, "Aunt Angelica, let's talk about it later. Don't be mad. I had made a reservation at the restaurant. We're going to be late if we don't get on our way now. Aunt Angelica, you promised me earlier you'd have dinner with me."

Robbie understood immediately. He hurriedly said, "That's right, Madam Alexander. We'll talk about Miss Pettis later. Please give Mr. Baxter more time."

"Humph!" Angelica glanced at Robbie and then at Alice. Finally, the mother turned to Carson, "Don't think I don't know what you're scheming! Alice asks me to have dinner with
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