
Chapter Seventeen: The Negotiation

It's Lara's day off from work today, and as usual, she is in her small apartment all alone. She's currently looking at the mails she received, and she came across an invitation letter from one of her classmates back in high school. It turned out to be a wedding invitation, and she has been invited to attend the wedding ceremony and the wedding reception. Deep inside, she's secretly jealous because her former classmate had finally found her very own prince charming, and she's going to get married, and live happily ever after. She can't deny the fact that she feels lonely as she wants to someone to call her boyfriend or her husband, build a lovely home with him and create a loving family. But it would be far from impossible now because she needs to fulfill her promise and continue her responsibilities as a breadwinner to the children at the orphanage. If only she can be rich just like Amanda Montserrat, she won't be working like a dog, and she won't have any problems with money.

But she can only wish for that to happen...


Few days have passed.

It was early in the morning at Etoile Cosmetics Company when the Team Leader suddenly calls for a morning meeting before they start their shift.

"You must be wondering what's this meeting is all about. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you any bad news, but instead, I'm a bearer of good news today." their Team Leader smilingly stated.

All of the people at their department suddenly gets excited as they eagerly wait for the announcement. Meanwhile, Lara is just sitting at her usual spot at the corner, while feeling bored. She's wishing that their Team Leader can quickly wrap up the meeting so they can start working.

"As you all know, it's going to be our annual company retreat and it's that time again to forget about work, relax and have time with our colleagues. I'll be posting the detailed information about it on our board. But just to give you an idea on where are we going this year, our beloved CEO reserved a whole high-class beach resort for all of us, and it's all-expense paid, so you don't have to worry about anything!" the Team Leader finally made the announcement.

All of the girls squealed in delight after hearing all of those things from their Team Leader. While the others are getting all excited, Lara groaned inwardly while feeling frustrated. She would just rather stay at home and get her much-needed sleep and just chill on her own.

For the passed five years as an employee at Etoile Cosmetics Company, she never attended any company retreat trips, and as usual, she will also not participate this year.

Lara heaved a sigh of relief when their Team Leader finally told them to start their shift. She quickly stood up  ahead from the others and scurried off with her cleaning start so that she can start working...


Lara was so busy cleaning toilets, mopping the floors and throwing garbages that she didn't notice it was already lunchtime. She is so hungry while walking his way towards the company's cafeteria.

After a few minutes, she's enjoying her lunch alone at the corner table when someone suddenly came to her table.

"Hi, there! Long time no see, Lara!" Amanda Montserrat smilingly greeted her. Her positive attitude can light up a very dark room.

Lara almost choked on her food in utter surprise when Amanda suddenly appeared infront of her. She decided to drink water first before she decided to speak.

"Well, it was just a few days when we last saw each other, right?" she casually responded.

"By the way, are you going to the company retreat?" Amanda asked her rightaway, while looking so excited.

"Oh, about that... I'm not going." responded Lara.

"But why?!" Lara whined like a high school girl.

"To be honest, I haven't attended any company outings since I started working here. You see, I'm not really into travelling and I'm not really an outdoor kind of person..." Lara explained, while shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, really? But I really want you to come so that we can hangout together." pleaded Amanda.

"But the long bus ride is just going to make me tired! I have vehicle motion sickness, you know. I might just throw up while inside the bus, and it's going to be really embarrassing." Lara tries to reason out.

"Okay, I think I have an idea with that. If the long bus ride is making you tired and sick, you can come with me and let's take the helicopter. We can go to the resort much faster. And if you really want to rest, you can still do that after the trip. You can file a paid holiday leave, and I'll be the one to approve it. How about that?" Amanda tries to negotiate with her. 

Lara feel into a deep thought, as she is trying to assess Amanda's idea. She"s been wanting to file a paid leave, however she can't do so because their department's Team Leader has favoritism, and she always approves her favorite employees, paid leave, and that's why they need more manpower to clean the whole. building. Whenever she tries to apply for a paid leave, it's always rejected by the Team Leader, and she didn't try to make an appeal anymore because she doesn't want to be in trouble and worst, lose her job in the end.

But the negative side is, she needs to be present at the company retreat for three days and endure being with other people. But come to think of it, three days is just a short time compared to being on a paid holiday leave for one week. She can do whatever she wants, she can visit the nuns and the children at tbe orphanage she grew up with to spend some quality time with them, and she could just laze around her little apartment for the remaining days.

And how sweet is that?

"So, what can you say about it?" Lara's train of thoughts made a quick stop when she heard Amanda's voice again.

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