
Another Moment With Him

Chapter 42

Another Moment With Him

Red Fox Clan


The Next Day


Brittany POV

Waking up this morning just brought up a new vibe in me. I yawn loudly, noticing the brightness of the room; it seems to be afternoon already, making me jerk off my feet only to find Nora staring at me. Did I sleep for that long? I thought to myself, dragging the bed sheet off my body.

“At last, you decided to wake up sleeping beauty” Nora asked, sarcastically, with a smirk. I didn’t bother replying her question. I tried getting off the bed, but got hit by a pounding head ache

“Arrggg” I groan, holding it to prevent it from falling, not like It would anyway. Nora shook her head slightly going to her bunk

“What time is it” I yawn. I heard her scoff

“Thought you aren’t going to talk to me, it’s past 12 already”

“What the….past twelve” I shriek, rushing to pick up my phone

 “Yeah, and a whole lot of things have been going on in this clan, starting from last night. Too bad you weren’t awake to feel the tension the clan faced early this morning” She rolled her eyes. Trust Nora, she is always loaded with gist to tell; too bad I don’t give her listening ears most time. For Christ sake, I’m not a gossiper.

“What do you mean?” I squint

“Someone was killed last night, well I shouldn’t be giving you the information though, don’t blame my basket mouth” She giggled. I rolled my eyes.

Thank god she knows that she is a basket mouth

“Boss said you should see him when you wake up” She stated, as a chill ran down my spine. The event of last night suddenly plays in my head. What does he want me for? I thought


Macho’s Suite

I knocked on the door and was ushered in by a maid who was intending going outside. I met him on a call and decided to wait for him to be through.

“Good day boss” I greeted with a bow. He paused for a while, not replying my greetings and this made my heart to pound more

“You didn’t come back to the party after your left, where did you go to” he asked, staring intently at me

“I went to my room. I was feeling a bit tipsy along with a resounding headache” I explained, hoping that my lie will work. He nodded

“You need to be careful Brit, the calm is not sage any longer. How is your health now? You shouldn’t have taken the alcohol when you clearly know your health status. Come here…” He stretches forth his hand towards me, as I went forward to sit on his laps. He caress my shoulder softly, planting soft k**ses on my forehead. He rubbed his hand on my tummy

“Any signs yet” he asked. I froze not getting his question at first, but suddenly guess what he was asking of. Baby signs.

“Erm…I don’t think so..” I pouted, acting innocent

“Ok…don’t worry, we will get to do it more often, and I will try to put more effort and also be gentle with you. You want that right?” He asked, bending to stare at my face. I nodded


“Hope you have stopped using the pills”

“Yes…” I whispered, which is contrary to my mind

“I love you Brit, and I really need this baby. I want to have a child with you, not anyone else. You are really special to me, and that made me like you so much. Hope you won’t disappoint me”

“Yes I won’t” he planted a soft k**s on my lips, deepening it as I tried resisting. I reciprocated afterward, but my mind became filled with the thought of what he is asking for. What does he did a baby for?” I thought.


Brad’s suite

Brad jerked at the bang of the door as Brittany walked in. She went forward to hug him. After leaving macho’s room, she headed for his immediately, wanting to find out more about last night’s ordeal.

“Hey pretty, hope you are ok now” Brad asked, hugging her closer to himself

“Yea..i managed to sleep last night after thuds of headache; never knew I will sleep for that long” She whispered. He caress her back softly, breaking the hug

“How did it go? Nora told me about the corpse being found” she asked, boring her eyes into his

“Oh…about that…yea the corpse was found. But I managed to clear the records of the CCTV footage about you entering the toilet. I did the clearing of the records last night, and managed to convince them that there was an intruder last night. Don’t ask me how I did that, but trust me, after thing has been sorted out” He smiled, squeezing her hand. She left out a soft sigh, slumping on the bed beside him

“You look worried, what’s wrong, you should be happy that no one will know about what you did. You succeeded in leaving no trace. What’s making my princess bothered?” He inquired

“It’s Macho….he wants me to give him a child”

“What……That’s outrageous, it’s not making sense” He yelled

“Hey, bring your voice down”

“Don’t do it…okay…look at me…we are gonna find a way to get out of all this mess they have made of our lives. Very soon we will be free, and when we leave, it will be a no return” He stated, cupping her cheek in his hand. She nodded

“I will continue to use the pills,. But will be more careful, I think he got his eyes on me. And I don’t trust that Nora, she could be a spy placed by the boss to monitor me”

“Just ne careful okay”

“Yes I will” She replied, shifting her face closer for a brief romantic section


Hybrid Company

Early Morning Workout*

The total numbers of ten people could be seen having a little workout section in the open field. Some spectators of about two young men and a lady were standing by watching them as they move their bodies, performing different exercises.

“Gosh…I’m getting worn out. I need to rest” One of the contestant muttered. She was the laziest among them all when it comes to morning exercises

“They won’t allow you to rest miss, just continue or perhaps pretend to faint so that we can all leave here” Another lady muttered, while she rolled her eyes, staring at the spectators, who didn’t remove their gaze on them.

“I think we have just 15 minutes left, we will soon be done” Jack muttered to Ariel who nodded in agreement. Mia only rolled her eyes, trying her best to avoid him

“Ok…ok…gather here everyone..we are gonna take a brief jog from this end to the other end, so try to do it perfectly. These exercises are part of your trainings, don’t get weary, it’s almost over” The lady spectator yelled

“Form a straight file, and jog side by side, no one should leave his/her position, is that clear”

“Yes…..”They all chorused. They form the file and Jack took the opportunity to stand beside Mia, who didn’t notice at first, it was too late to change position as the woman blew the whistle.

“Huhhhh..” She scoffs, as they all began to jog

“Is that for me” Jack asked, grinning

“Shut the f**k up Jack….” She snapped, trying not to pay attention to him

“I think I find you cute these days, and let’s say a bit know” He stated

“Are you trying to tease me again, don’t talk me, don’t you get it”

“I just wanna be your friend….no harm attached”

“Huhh…friend…” she scoffs “I don’t like you and I don’t wanna be your friend okay” She snorted

“Ouch…that hurt…but trust me Mia, I’m not the high school guy you used to know. I’m different now, just hope you will give me a chance” He pouted, wiping out some beads of sweats as they jog along

“Do you think I’m some piece of b!tch who you could just bang and dump like the way you do at high school. What do you take me for?” She grimaced. He frowns at her statement

“I’m not calling you a b!tc..” His statement was cut off by the sound of the whistle

“Gather here everyone…..time to take a break” The woman spoke. Mia left before he could look at her; he sighs softly, touching his temple, as he joined them.


Ariel’s POV

After a little workout, we were set to leave the field when the idols walked in. They were all dressed in white jerseys and canvas. Each holding a towel and water bottle, I think they are here for a brief work out too. Just looking at them makes me wanna go join them, they look so cute in their outfits. Only Aiden wasn’t here, well, he doesn’t really stay in the guest suite reserve for him in the company. Being that he is just a guest judge and not part of the music industry, he doesn’t really have to do everything with them.

Micheal could be since flirting with Nicki who laughed at what he was telling her; out eyes locked as I quickly look away. I noticed his smirk but didn’t bother looking at him. Eugene, one of the Triple boys who rescued me from him that day, waved at me, with a lingering smile. I waved back returning the smile, but barely anyone noticed, except Axel, who looked at me and back to him. The expression on his face couldn’t be interpreted.

 We continued to stare at each other not until Theo came forward to whisper something into his ear. I saw him blush before looking away, and it made me wonder what Theo said. His cheeks were clearly red form the blush, and it’s making it obvious that he can’t control it, but it makes him look more handsome. I wish to see him smile and blush more, it suit him better than frowning or keeping an expressionless face.

Axel’s POV

I was busy staring at Ariel as we walked into the fields with the others. She was beginning to grow more beautiful, day by day and it’s leaving me baffled. I wasn’t expecting her sudden change in curves and all that, but this girl here is about stealing my right mind. I saw her wave and smiled at Eugene who waved at first. Did they by any means know each other, I thought, still gazing at her. She suddenly looked at my direction, her smile still lingering on her face, but I didn’t return it. I was puzzled, never knew a black girl could be so beautiful.

I was lost staring when Theo walked up to my side and whispered some crazy words into my ears

“Just go eat her up instead of staring” He whispered. A surge of blush ran up my cheeks, as I tried hiding my face from the others. Well, no one noticed but Theo is just a bad guy, like seriously, I wasn’t thinking anything immoral but he just succeeded in putting it in my mind.

“Get out, you are not ok” I replied amidst laughter

“Seriously, when are you gonna walk up to her. Just tell her you like here, and tie the knot, instead of boring holes into her body, damn menhh”

“Huhhn….is it that obvious, I wasn’t even thinking something bad, but you are such a badass” I groan. He chuckled

“Just do the right thing. You know I’m best at givng advices”

“She is Aiden’s girl” I bluffed

“They ain’t dating, we know that” He chipped in

“Huff..sure… know Aiden, he could be secretive and he once told me about wanting to ask her out, and have seen them make out before…so…I don’t have a chance anymore” I pouted. He tapped my shoulder

“Sorry bro…or should I walk up to her for you” he winked

“Don’t you dare…geez..i’m gonna kill you” I snapped. He laughed

“You are not gonna do that…I’m your best friend, aint I?”

“Nope” I rolled my eyes, suddenly remembering Dylan

“Tell me you are lying” he frowns

“I’m not. I have another best friends, just that he is out of the country with his girlfriend. That jerk just forgot about me, I’m gonna kill him when he comes back”

“Huhnn…you are just forming this…that’s not true” he scoffs

“Just get out if you do not believe”

“No I won’t believe that, because the Axel I know doesn’t make friends”

“But you are my friend, ain’t you””

“Not just friend buddy, best friend, and that guy you claimed to be your nest friend is just a second best friend, because I’m the true best friend here” He snapped. I laughed

“Are you jealous” I asked, holding in my laughter

“Naahhh…I’m just….guy, just get out” He yelled, going his way. I chuckled following up behind


After a brief workout, I went to my suite to freshen up, and then headed for the studio. Well that has been my normal routine, working in the studio all day gives me joy, especially when I write new song lyrics. But today I decided to do something more like a relaxation. I decide to just sing and freestyle whatsoever comes to my mind. I didn’t plan on writing lyrics today, but that’s what I do say sometimes and ended up writing down the lyrics as a new song, but it isn’t bad anyway.

I picked up a guitar this time instead of my usual favourite instrument, which is the Piano, but that doesn’t prevent me from learning and playing others. Playing numerous musical instruments perfectly, made me stand out among the others in the company earning me the name ‘Almighty Zel’.

Striking the string, I smiled at the melodious sound erupting from it, as I stared freestyles to the rhythm I am playing. It wasn’t long when I had someone opening the door. It was Ariel. She walked in smartly and gasp on sighting me, perhaps shocked to see me here.

“Erm….hi…” She muttered, coming a bit closer

“Hey…” I replied as silence took in. She bit a lips a little fondling with the hem of her shirt. I squinted at here, waiting for her to speak, but it seems she isn’t gonna do that soon. She walked gently, closer to where I sat and drew an empty seat forward, sitting on it, as I watched her, amused.

“Just felt like coming here, or…you have something to say to me” I asked

“Npoe…I came here for the group rehearsal” She muttered, looking down

“But that should be 12 o’clock, it’s just 11” I muttered

“Yea..i know, just felt like coming here earlier than the others you know…huhnnhun” She giggled. I nodded, smiling

“Ok…since you are here, I was actually just rehearsing, doing little freestyles. You can join me if you want. Can you play any instrument?” I asked. She suddenly stared at me, and trusts me; a bang hits my heart at that stare. Strange memories flashed in but left in a sec, making me confused, I tried remembering where I saw that look but all ended in vain.

“Yes…but not perfectly. I only started learning guitar a few months ago, but I once learned piano from a local store owner in my country, but didn’t learn it for long”

“Why if I may ask” I asked, not knowing why I’m suddenly getting interested in her story

“Well…he died suddenly; no one knows what killed him. But many believed he had a sickness which couldn’t be treated due to lack of money” She muttered the last line sadly. I kinda felt a bit touch by that story. It’s not a good thing losing someone close to you

“I’m sorry about that”

“It’s ok….just that I couldn’t find anyone to teach me again for free, they are demanding payment, which I couldn’t afford. And my mum was just making to make earn means, it wasn’t possible to pay for the training, else we would have nothing to eat for months. But that should be a story for another day right, hhuhn…” She laughed. But I felt like she should continue, the story is making me get to know her more. Never knew she actually suffered that much, too bad she postponed it to another day, well, hope that day comes faster

“I can play the guitar too, but I’m not that good in it. I learnt it just few months ago when Aiden enrolled me in school” She chipped in

“Ok…let’s see what you can do…take, play some chords” I handed the guitar over to her as she stared playing some soft note, before proceeding to chords. I tried free styling along with the rhythm and it was cool. She also sang some freestyle note, rapping a bit in the process. I didn’t know when I started smiling broadly nodding along side. I think we are actually getting along.

“Wow, that was cool. You really tried, just needs some touches and you will become a pro. But where do you learn those raps, geez that was good.”

“Oh…that…” She beamed, dropping the guitar.

“I stole learnt it from the daughter of a notorious street lord in my country” She stated, as I frown


“yea…..” She laughed, perhaps at my expression

“We are not friend though, don’t get me wrong. Just that, she is this kind of girl that gets on my nerves and being the weaker one, I have no power to challenge her. So each time she does that and I do something that will annoy her, she ends up rapping some annoying words that will make me angry to and ended up making it a song. She is a genius when it comes to rapping, and I sometime grab some of those better wording from her and practice it when I get home, or use it on my colleagues in my work place. Especially when we don’t want the customers to know what we are saying; we just rap our words and nod. Her name is Kabria”

“Ohh…that’s one hell of another story..i think I will like to hear more of these stories of yours someday, but right now, the other contestant will be on their way here. It’s almost twelve” I muttered

“Oh…that’s true, thanks so much for giving me this honour to sing with you” She grinned, I chuckled loudly

“You are welcome.” I mumbled, still staring at her, my eyes went for her lips but I remove my gaze from there before she notice

“You can have the guitar” She handed it over to me, getting up simultaneously. I collected it from her as she tried moving, but the hem of her long, knee length gown got intertwined with the lower string which she was oblivious off. I pulled the guitar closer as she followed along with the force pull, almost landing to the ground.

“Arghhh” She yelp, expecting to hit the ground but I caught her in a jiffy as she landed on me. Our faces were just few inches apart with her heavy breathing splashing across my face. We stayed that way, with none of us moving our body as she tried regaining her breath. I trailed my eyes back to her perfectly made wet lips which were damn tempting. I could imagine myself slamming mine on hers, having a taste of it. But my imaginations were cut short when the door suddenly bang open and someone came in

“Arghh” She gasps on seeing the fellow

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