
Tricked by the Kidnappers

Chapter 31

Tricked By the Kidnappers

<Red Fox Clan>



Brittany walks sulkily into her room; her facial expression clearly shows that she just undergoes a hard process of pains and agony. Her puffy eyes which are as red as a burning coal gave her face a different look. She met Nora pacing round the room as she entered; she stopped to look at her with guilt written all over her face. Brittany glared at her for a while, ignoring her as she made her way to the bathroom.

“I’m…ermm….it’s not what you think” Nora shuttered but shut her mouth up when Brit gave no response. She entered the bathroom, took off her clothes while turning on the shower.

The water gave way from the tiny hole in the metal, and splattered on her body. She gave a low groan as it touched the injured skin, making it sting all over. She braced herself up, washing off the blood that erupted from the wounds. This is not the first time she will be undergoing such punishment, but she felt hurt receiving it all over again. Macho is cruel and inhumane, no matter the number of times he promise her, he won’t keep to it.

After a long warm bath, she went back into the room; this time, Nora couldn’t be found in. perhaps she left, or her guilty mind isn’t bold enough to face her. She wouldn’t blame Nora, she blames herself for being careless and becoming a mockery talks to other members. Thanks to Scorpion for covering her up a bit, this punishment should have been worst, and what Macho would have done to Brad will have been unpredictable. She freshens up after a while and left the room, heading for the clan clinic where she will be given proper treatment.


<Kick-Ass Gang>


A gang of three guys could be seen sitting in a well furnished room, on a well-designed couch. Glasses filled to the brim, with chilled vodka were held firmly in their hands as they take sips of it, bit by bit. They were staring into the phone of one of them, deeply engross in whatsoever he was showing them, to noticed the presence of someone coming into the room. It was Tiger, their team leader.

“Guys…” He called in his baritone voice, as they set their eyes on him

“Welcome boss” they greeted in unison, as he takes a sit opposite them. He was holding a certain file which they couldn’t what its contents might be. They adjusted well on the couch, to listen to what he has to say.

“Sorry for keeping you all waiting, I had to get some things. So now that we are all here, I think I need to replay the account of my past investigation.” He waited to see their expression and was satisfied with it.

“We are dealing on how to kidnap this certain girl Miss Peggy brought. Her name is Ariel Skywalker.

From my recent investigation, she attends the Hybrid University; a music student to be precise. If you noticed the recent music contest sponsored by the Hybrid company; she is part of the contestant, and it made me wonder who is sponsoring her. But that is not our business anyways; our business is to nap her and that will be a bit difficult, if we make our move in haste.” He ended his speech, and awaits their response

“Why do you say so” One of the guys asked, while the other squinted

“Well, she seems to be living with an influential person, who I can place my hands on. Might be a celebrity or business tycoon billionaire; I traced her from her school to the house; it’s in the outskirt of the town, a well fashioned bungalow with flirts of cars in the compound. But I still don’t know who her savior is. She seems to move with guard when going out for shopping or other things, but doesn’t go with on to school”

“Then the school should be our target, perhaps she doesn’t want anyone to know who she lives with” Another guy chipped in

“I thought as much, but we still need to be careful in order not to fall into the hands of our rivals. I had Macho got such a house here in Cape Town, but many doesn’t know about it. The house might be his and she might be his girl. We need to do a clean job. We will trick her to a place where the crowd won’t be much, and that should be your job Tim. Carl will be the driver of the van, you will park the van at the extreme gate of the building close to where the river flows it the dam, while jack will prepare the hideout”

“Taken boss, we will do just that” they replied

“Fine…we will start tomorrow, and if we fail, we won’t relent but continue, till we get her. Miss Peggy paid us a huge money, and Tom, our boss won’t expect less from us. Good day boys” he mumbled, leaving the room.


<Aiden’s House>

Ariel checked herself in the mirror for the last time; she just finished dressing up for school. She head down to have breakfast, when she noticed her personal body guard coming into from the gate, and meeting up with Josephine who was busy wetting the flowers outside. They seem to be engaged in a conversation.

“Hey….ghost guy…come…come” Josephine signaled to Daniel who had no time for her chitty chat that morning, but he had no choice, she had seen him already. He went closer to her, walking steadily.

“What do you what this time Miss” He asked, as she rolled her eyes

“Can’t you at least be less formal, huhn?” She pouted

“What do you want” he asked, not giving heed to her previous comment

“Hmmm…I just…erm…..” She scratched the nape of her neck

“Hmm….i believe you have nothing to say” he muttered, trying to go in

“Hey…hey….wait” She called, he sighed frustratingly

“What is it….”

“Ok…this is what I want…..can we just hang out…you know” She shrug. He squinted and arched his brow

“Are you ok? huhn…you don’t look like you are. As you can see, I’m always busy” he snapped. She frowns

“You are such an asshole….cold idiot” She cursed bitterly, she wasn’t expecting such reply from him, and it hurt her really bad

“And you are ugly, Miss Barbie” he mocked, sticking out his tongue. She looked at him for a while with a sad face, touching her face to confirm what he said. She busted into tears in no time and ran towards the servant quarters.

“Haahaa….naaa….grandma….” She screamed and scurried off. Daniel chuckled softly, dipping his hands into his pocket. He knew he hurt her a bit, but that’s what she needs to stay away from him. If she needs a boyfriend, then she should look for that of her age, he smirked.

Ariel who had been watching them from the dining room faced him immediately he stepped in.

“Good morning Miss” he greeted, bowing a bit

“Good morning to you, Daniel” She smiled

“How was your night” She asked

“It was fine…are you ready” he asked

“Nope…still need to finish this food in front of me” She giggled, he chuckled

“What happened to Josephine?” She asked

“Oh” he shrugged “Nothing” he mumbled, she squinted at him, and focus back on her food. Perhaps it’s personal, so it’s none of her business, she thought

After the meal, victor drove them both to school. Daniel alighted a distance from the school, while Ariel was driven in.

She bide him goodbye after alighting as she settle in class, waiting for the first lecture to commence. The lecture started in no time and ended just the exact time. Other activities took place until lunch time, when she went to the cafeteria to have something to eat. Mia wasn’t in school, she complained of being under the weather, and this made her feel so bored in school. She has no other friends except Mia; well others are just mere course mate.

She ordered her food in no time and settled down in a booth far away from the trouble makers, Sophia, the Triple girls’ leader and Shirley, a dance crew leader. They were both glaring at her from different angle as she eats in silent, not giving them the attention they need. Suddenly, someone walk up to her as his voice startled her.

“Hey….” He muttered, she dropped her fork and looked up

“Can I join you” he asked politely, she shrug


He smiled, as sets his try on the table opposite her, sitting quietly

“Hi…..I’m Tim…” he muttered, showing out his pairs of teeth, which is not well arranged in his mouth. He looks like someone who is in his mid-twenties, but his beards will say otherwise. A scar running from the left side of his ear, towards his cheek, gave him a more mature look.

“I’m Ariel…thanks” Ariel mumbled, gulping down the content of food in her mouth with water

“Nice meeting you Ariel…you seem to be sitting alone, no friends?” He asked, taking a bite of his pie

She shrugged

“So I can be one for you today..right? Hope I’m welcomed” he grinned

“Sure….so what department are you in”

“Oh….I belong to the art department; theatre art, precisely” he smiled

“Wow, that’s cool…..I’m a music student”

They talked about other random things, with Tim saying some funny things which she ends up laughing at. She doesn’t know why she seem so free with him, they are just meeting for the first time, but one look at them, one would think they have been friends for so long. The conversation was cut short when a message came into Ariel’s phone. She clicked on the notification bar and the message popped up. It reads:

Meet me at the school old bookshop; I have a parcel for you. It’s very important and had to do with the music contest


She read the message all over, confused at its content. She frowns a bit and sighed

“What is it” Tim asked her, but she tried to wave it off

“Oh…it’s nothing, I think I need to leave now, thanks for keeping me company, I’m really grateful.” She appreciated while he nodded with a smile. She left afterward, as he brought out his phone to make a call

“Roger that….you have to make the next move” He spoke into the phone and cut the call before the receiver could speak.

Ariel left the cafeteria and went to the lecture room, she put a call through to Daniel, as he pick up at the first ring.


“Daniel, I received a message just now, it seem strange…I don’t really get it”

“What message? Send it to me…” he muttered. She ended the call and did as he said. After few seconds he called back

“Who sent the message?”

“It’s from an anonymous sender, and can’t place my hand on who sent it. It’s weird, or is someone playing a prank on me”

“Hmmm….does any of the judges have your contact…or where you told you will receive a message like this?”

“No…no…the company sends messages to us through our G-mails and not some random messenger. And Mia can’t be the one playing a prank on me, she is not in school” Ariel muttered

“Look here Ariel, where are you by the way?”

“I’m in the lecture, block 32, the ground floor”

“Ok, just wait right there, I’m coming towards that direction. I will give you a call when I get there, and you will have to go there, but with me at a far distance behind you.”


“Just be cool and await my call, don’t leave, okay?”

“Sure” she mumbled

After a while, he called her to come outside, she didn’t see him but he kept a close distance as they walk towards the old bookstore. She knew the message might either be a prank or some kidnappers are trying to get her. After her last experience, she needs no soothsayer to tell her to be careful. She kept her phone in her purse but plugged in a Bluetooth to her right ear, turning it on, of which Daniels uses to communicate with her.

Her heart pounds in and out off her heart and she made steady steps towards the building. It was at the outskirt of the school. It looks old and abandoned, more like ages ago. She dared to stop but Daniels voice came up again telling her to move a bit further in order not to alert the kidnappers from knowing her hidden motive. She got closer, but still kept a suitable distance from the building. She brought out her phone and sent a message

I’m already there, I can’t find anybody

It showed sent, as another message entered almost immediately.

Come into the building, you will find me there

She felt panicked and decided to signal Daniel, but caught a sight of someone in the building. The person moved swiftly into an inner room, but her sharp vision helped her. She noticed a security officer heading her direction; he might have sense something going on with her and decided to draw near. Perhaps the person saw him, and hid quickly. He seems to be in charge of that arena.

“Hey, young lady….how can I help should be in class by now” The security man muttered, as he drew nearer

“You need to leave there Ariel, tell him there someone in the building and leave, now..” Daniel yelled, as he surge forward

“I think there is someone in the building” Ariel managed to say, but it was too late. A figure came out holding a gun as he fired two shoot into the security man’s chest, he dropped to the floor instantly, as Ariel screamed.

Daniel came out from his hiding place, bringing out his already cocked gun, as he sent two quick shots towards the direction of the shooter, but missed the target. Knowing that there was another person present with a gun, the shooter hid behind the walls, and Daniel, used this opportunity of distraction to run towards Ariel dragging her away from the scene.

“Fuck…..” he muttered and groan in pains as a bullet meets his arm from another direction. It became down on him that they were more than one. He managed to escape with her towards an abandon bakery. The sounds of bullets attracted other security men, who came hurrying towards the scene. They engaged the kidnappers in a hot game of exchanging bullets, when suddenly a black, tinted bullet proof jeep drove into their mist.

The kidnappers escaped through that means as they drove out in speed. An ambulance was brought in, in no time as they carried out the body of the dead security officer. Daniel was also helped into the van, with Ariel who couldn’t believe all that just happened. It felt like a dream to her, but it was indeed real.

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