

Nora's gaze softened as she took in Greg's dishevelled state. The tell-tale bruises on his knuckles, the dried blood caking his face, and the crimson stains blooming across his shirt painted a picture of a violent encounter. Her initial guardedness gave way to a wave of concern. "Greg, what happened?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine worry.

His response was a choked sob, the words catching in his throat before spilling out in a torrent of broken phrases. "He... he..." He stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence. The raw emotion in his voice, devoid of the anger that had fueled their previous interactions, sent a pang through Nora's heart.

Despite the confusion and hurt swirling within her, the sight of his vulnerability triggered a protective instinct. Without a word, she opened her arms, offering him a safe harbour in the storm of his emotions. Greg collapsed into her embrace, his body wracked with sobs that resonated through the silence.

As his tears subsided, he pulled
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