
Detention and pleasure

Mary arrived at the beach house and just like she expected it was swarming with cop cars. The car skidded to a halt, she jumped out almost immediately running towards the house.


“Hello officer” She extended her hand for a handshake.

“Mrs Allen you called 911?”

“Yes," She nodded for emphasis. “I received a threat against my son's life and I called immediately.” She looked at the house. “What is happening? How is my son?”

Just then a heavily drunk Arnold clad in only a bathing suit was escorted out of the house by two police. The shorts were mid-thigh and clung tightly to him, they were dripping wet with what Mary hoped was water or at least alcohol and not his urine. His overgrown brown hair was messy, some other people were escorted out of the house. They were young men and women all dressed in bathing suits.

Mary half ran as fast as her legs and stiletto pumps would let her. “What’s going on here officer? That’s my son, I called because there was a threat to his life. Wh
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