
Chapter 51

“I haven't made up my mind but I suspect that's what I will end up doing full even if I stay in Melbourne the house is too big for me. It was too big for dad and Matilda really but it's right by the ocean and Matilda adore the sea,” she caught herself. “Sorry,” she muttered dropping her keys to her wine glass. “I know that you are not interested in…”

“Don’t.” Xavier reached across the table and covered her hand with his. His mouth formed but his voice was soft. “If anyone should apologise then it is me.”

Cara’s skin tingled under the warm pressure of his fingers. Her heart beating a little faster she looked up. “What's the apology for?”

His thumbs stroked over her knuckles. “For what I said in the car on Sunday. It was disrespectfully it is not my place to judge Matilda or to make assumptions about the situation she found herself in. The fact is she made the choice 35 years ago and that was ultimately for my benefit report that I am grateful to her.

Cara’s throat stuck and for a momen
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