

Cynthia's sneeze disrupted the tense ambiance, a brief lapse of vulnerability in the charged atmosphere that had wrapped around them. Erick's focus shifted swiftly, his eyes narrowing slightly, a hint of mockery curling his lips. "Caught a chill?" he remarked, his voice carrying a note of amusement that held a cruel edge.

She shot him a glance, her irritation and embarrassment brewing into a storm within her. "It's nothing," she retorted sharply, the words laced with a stubborn defiance that dared him to challenge her.

Erick's attention remained fixed on her, his gaze like a predator assessing its prey. His lips curled further, a half-smile that carried a touch of dark amusement. "Is that so?" he drawled, his voice dripping with insinuation, a velvet danger that sent shivers down her spine.

A chill seemed to snake its way into the room, wrapping around them like a viper. It was a tangible reminder of the power he held, a presence that could manipulate and possess. Her eyes met his,
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