

The palace doors swung open, revealing the grandeur of the entrance hall with its towering columns and intricate mosaic floors. The transition from the moonlit courtyard to the opulent interior was like stepping from one world into another, a reminder of the duality that defined their lives.

Kana and Salena walked side by side, their footsteps echoing in the vast space. The torches lining the hall cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an interplay of light and darkness that seemed to echo the complexities of their own journeys.

As they continued their walk, their conversation shifted towards lighter topics – anecdotes, shared memories, and the occasional playful jest. Their laughter reverberated through the hall, a counterpoint to the solemnity that often accompanied their royal roles.

The echoes of their footsteps gradually faded as they reached a corridor adorned with intricate tapestries that told stories of the kingdom's history. The air was perfumed with the soft scent of c
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