

Esma’s pov

“I said Kneel.” I commanded in the alpha voice. the wolves standing in front of me flinched from my command. I stand tall trying to intimidate them with my alpha aura. I still had the alpha blood coercing in my veins.

Normal wolves wouldn’t have a chance to stand let alone fight with me on equal par. Now they have three roads…

One, they could kneel in front of me as I commanded. Two, they could resist and fight which is very difficult for them as I have finally released my aura. I could see them getting goose bumps. The hair on their fur are straightening and they can’t do anything about it. The beasts inside them know their places.

Third was to flee and avoid blood loss. I had my bet on the third option. I don’t want blood loss either and after what Asher said I just can’t take them lightly. I quickly gathered my energy and transformed in my wolf. We can never tell what they have in their arsenal.

I let my wolf take control over my body as she stand straight on the gr

Hello, sorry for the late update,. i will try to conclude this story and honestly i am not getting enough time to read and write and edit it. I'll try my best though. Until then, Danish

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Stephanie Jester
please when will it be finished, I luv both books, please keep it coming
goodnovel comment avatar
I love the story and patiently waiting for more ...

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