
Chapter 6: Self-pleasure

Jace POV

It's unlikely, Mason is highly trained also, so she can't capture him unless she brought her men or she killed Mason but the second is also unlikely because she doesn't kill for no reason, so the only fact here is she captured Mason, "Damn!" he cursed again. "What happened?" Ash asked. "Mason has been gone for three days now and I think it's related to her," I said and told her what happened and why Mason left.

"Why I didn't want to call you is to not get you involved but it seems you were already involved even before you called" Ashton chortled and I didn't know what to reply. I never expected things to turn out like this. Few minutes ago my mind was fully occupied by the beauty I saw that night, a few minutes later Ashton's frustration presented itself, I couldn't help but release a sigh. In a way, he put this onto himself three years ago. And I somehow warned him but he refused to listen not that I will remind him that now because I won't help shit, now it has returned to hunt him. In a way, she made him what he is today but I guess nothing comes for nothing.

After some minutes, the call ended and I sighed again. I was a breath away from telling "Ashton to deal with his own shit" but refrained at the end. I was about to stand up and go take a shower when my mansion entrance door automatically opened and I heard steps heading towards the stairs. I couldn't see who it was because I was above the stairs, just a few steps away from my home office. My mind couldn't help but run wild but no idea came in. Actually an idea did but the newcomer's footsteps were already heading up the stairs so it would be too late before I could do anything.

Taking a deep breath, I face whatever or whoever it will be, what can actually happen? The worst case will be shooting me dead and that's it. But then I was stunned to see who it was. "Boss, I'm sorry for taking so long to accomplish this. I don't know why but it was as if someone was deliberately hiding her profile making me take longer" I was about to calm down and rejoice that she wasn't responsible for his delay but now his response is making me tense. "Did you notice anyone following you?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah, but they were not following but spying because they weren't one, and it was as if they were at every corner of that area. But none of them followed me so I paid them no mind, my guess is they might be a government investigation team either trying to find someone or something" he said making me release a fake chuckle. "They are no government shit, Mason..." I wanted to explain to him but I don't know how to. Mason also started working for me three years ago but that was after she had left. Mason came immediately after I received my inheritance but everything that happened then was during our university years to our graduation year. Besides we are not so sure that it's really her so before them I'm not going to spout baseless words even when I know I might be making a big mistake. "Is there something in your mind boss?" Mason asked and I felt the urge to tell him once more but I couldn't get myself to tell me "It's nothing, Mason. Did you get what I asked you to?" I diverted the question even though I knew he noticed.

"Yeah, here," he said handing over a file to me, and without any delay I started reading, the few things I saw got me amused and turned on. Family of two girls and she's the older sister resulting in her inheriting her father's will because there's no other. She loves sex more than anything but the difference is that she's always the one to discard them when it's over. Most of the guys always end up wanting more because who wouldn't? But the things I see here made her appear more like a heartless heartbreaker, I chuckled.

"Mila Copper" I tasted her name on my lips and smirked "Let's see wins" I muttered before turning to Mason "Her company name is Cariz Company right?" I asked and he nodded. "Find out what she desperately needs at the moment that she can't say no to even if she wants to, report to me as soon as possible," I said "Yes sir" he nodded and left. I headed over to the shower to wash away not only the headache Ashton added to my body but also the cool constant hard-on I have been carrying ever since the last time I saw her. Damn, that girl is a boner. As water cascaded down my frame tracing my defined muscles I couldn't help but caress my body with it. My hands stumble on my pecks and abs like a trunk stumbles on a bad road but that wasn't on my mind as the image of Mila seems to be imprinted into my head unable to leave. My fingers were soon under my belly, and as soon it brushed against my shaft I took in a deep breath 'Fuck' but how can I back out now when I have already tasted the sweetness from it. It was as if there was a magnet pulling my hands towards it. Unable to resist anymore I let my fingers graze against it once more but this time intentionally as I could feel the inside of my body groaning already to show how aroused I was.

I have never touched myself in this way before, although I know how I look and all but no one has ever made me do this. When my hand wrapped around my shaft I felt like I had finally found half of what I had been missing.

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