
Just For Fun


A few hours later a soft knock at her door pulled her from her concentrated search. She looked over her shoulder to see Trisha standing quietly.

"What's up?"

"Mr. Carrington is here. He wants to take you to lunch." Trisha smiled and bit her lip, wagging her eyebrows.

"Oh brother." Lisa checked her computer for the time and stood. "All right. Go tell him I'll be there in a few minutes."

"What I wouldn't give to be a young fox like you."

"Let's trade. I'm tired and want to crawl in a hole." Lisa chuckled as the older woman gave her a motherly look and turned to walk back to the front of the small shop. Her voice was sweet like sugar, her greeting of the man almost humorous.

Lisa walked out, the clicking of her heels comforting. It was a sound she had gotten used to. Rarely did she leave the house without heels on. They made her feel like the dominant woman she was, plus, it seemed to warn men of the same.

"Ms. Parks," Michael stepped up, his suit perfectly pressed. He reached for h
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