
046 Sudden Chase


I had my heart in my mouth when Gary stood next to me to talk to James and Philip. All I could see was his lizard head, and when he asked me to shake his hands, they were lizard hands. I shook him, hoping I was hallucinating, but I wasn't. They were rough and scaly. I almost screamed, but I did not want to embarrass the brothers with my actions, so I composed myself. I pulled my hands away slowly, and Philip touched my hand. It was as if he knew. When I looked at the man again, he looked like a human. All the lizard features were gone. I began to wonder why but I kept it to myself. He finished what he wanted to say and walked away. The moment he walked away, I released my breath. 

James signalled the waiter and requested they pack our meals to go. The waiter was afraid something was wrong with the food, but Philip pretended

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Karima Sa'ad Usman
expect updates twice a week now. Been dealing with migraines so I had to slowdown a bit. Thank you for your support. Seen your comments on books I thought people didn't like. It is uplifting. Thank you Kizzy.
goodnovel comment avatar
kizzy cummings
how often do you update this book
goodnovel comment avatar
Karima Sa'ad Usman
OMG, Thank you so so so much for reading all my books. Your comment is uplifting.

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