
Chapter 47: New Medicine

Troy left the room quickly, his mouth felt dry; cotton mouth. Probably a side effect of what Dr. Barren had just given him or what he'd been given yesterday. He decided to go up to the cafeteria for something to drink. He was thinking of ways to sneak into one of the private offices to use the phone when he saw Jace and a heavily made up Goth girl sitting at a table playing cards.

"Troy!" Jace waved at him excitedly. "That's my roommate." He directed to the girl. She eyed him with appreciation. She didn't seem much older than seventeen or eighteen herself and he began to wonder if the entire nation wasn't filled with mentally disturbed children.

He headed to their table with a cup of water from the cooler and then pulled out a chair and sat, not planning to stay long. He wasn't feeling very social. "Hey Jace."

"He is cute." The girl said while staring at him and Troy glanced at Jace who was blushing furiously.

"Uh…did you decide on whether you're going to group or on
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