
Lies lies lies

Hailey arrived home from school having a lot of questions about her mother. The information was too huge for her to keep in her mind alone.

“Are you my real mother?” She asked Lovelyn as she walked into her room to get her dirty laundary. Lovelyn's heart sank when she heard the question. This was a question she hated and she had prayed days and nights that Hailey never asked that. She relaxed herself and turned back to Hailey.

“Why did you ask that?” She asked.

“I insulted Naya Aurora yesterday in school and she invited you and dad to apologize to her today. Unfortunately you didn’t come, so she told dad that she was going to sue you both for something that happened in the past. She also said something about me being her real daughter and the fact that she will do everything to get me back.” Hailey explained.

Lovelyn got furious and pulled Hailey’s hair, ensuring it hurt her badly.

“Didn’t I warn you not to hide things from me?” She asked Hailey in anger.

“Mum, I am sorry,” she
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