
Meeting up for lunch

While alone with my silent grandpa, l slowly thought about it all.

I knew it that i was going to be soon heart broken but funnily enough I was worried how Annika would feel when the contract ends, and Aleksander and I walk in separate ways. I was truly loving her and i genuinely enjoyed those days she came to visit me. It was nice to feel like I was part of the family, but it also hurt to think of them like that.

They were not my family and I would never see them again after the next six weeks. Looking at my grandpa's face, I reminded myself that this was only my family and I would do what is needed to be done for him.


After my morning visit with papa, I went to see the doctor about my ankle. Originally they thought it was worse than it was before. There was something to be said about my balance if I could save myself from a worse fate while falling down a flight of marble stairs.

Had it hurt,?!

Yes it did terribly but I was alive and insanely lucky to be recovering so quickly. I
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