
Thank you for loving me


"I did what I had to do", I heard Aleksander speak , his words were as sharp as a knife and made me freeze more in the place I was hiding in.

"For her?, You seriously think she is worthy the trouble we will be in if Dax's family retaliates", Nikolai's words made me to cover my mouth to hide a gasp. Aleksander growled back and I could feel the growing tension in the foyer.

"She is worth everything. Let them come if they want to. I will do the same to them", He seethed through his teeth. Claws of dread wrapped around my throat and i couldn't breathe.

"You being foolish , Aleksander. All of this potential war with the Genoseve family, just so you own the Prima ballerina of New York? Is your sense of entitlement and your over grown ego bigger than your head?", Nikolai's voice rose over a whisper, growing almost into a shout.

I didn't understand what he was saying. Nevertheless my heart was beating painfully in my chest and my limbs were cold. Nikolai could be harsh but his wor
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