



"Weeks ago before your concert in Canada, you have been spotted numerous times visiting the city.” She goes all the way back. Great.

I nod.

“You have been active on your socials posting photos about a brown haired woman and the entire world wants to know if it’s the same woman you have been visiting in Canada?” She finally asks.

“Yes.” I answer as I glance at Patrick.

“She must be lucky to spend time with you.” Kevin tells me.

I smiled.

“I am sure your fans wanted to her in her shoes.” Nancy adds.

I answer a nod.

She continues, “During your concert in Canada you were spotted going on dates with her too. You seem to visit her a lot.”

“I think there is nothing really wrong about visiting someone I want to see.” I answer.

“This unnamed mystery woman that has been circulating the news for months has finally been named and she’s a seventeen year old girl who goes to Lakewood High School in Canada.”

“Yeah.” I answered.

“You have been seen lately with this teenage girl who's
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