



Bella's POV

"Please. I just want to see them and let know I am ok. I can ask them to come here. You can stay by my side all along. Please?" I asked him giving him my best puppy eyes face.

His frown got deeper. "Do you have to?" he asked with the same frown. "Yes I have to. They are my only family. They were there during my hard times."

I miss them also. "Please." I begged him. He start to think. After thinking some time, he let out a sigh. He looked up at me before giving out another sigh.

"Fine. But I have two condition." he said strictly. I looked at curiously. " What are they?" I asked him.

"First I have to be with you at all times. Understand?" he said while raising his eyebrows. "Ok sure." I said to him. "What's the other one?"

"Well if I say yes, you have to come with me to see my parents." he said very casually. His parents? What? Why?

If I get to see my friends then ok. "O-Ok" I said as I scrunched my eyebrows. He sensed my uneasiness. "Hey lov
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