
Chapter 66

"What do you mean she's not answering?" Romano looked incredulous. "You're calling her cell phone, right? I know she's carrying it."

Suslowicz had been trying to reach agent McEwan for several minutes. "Maybe her batteries are dead. Or her ringer is off."

Romano had looked distressed ever since talking to the director of Cryptology on the phone. After hanging up, he had marched over to Suslowicz and demanded he get Agent McEwan on the line. Now Suslowicz had failed, and Romano was pacing like a caged lion.

"Why did Crypto call?" Suslowicz now ventured.

Romano turned. "To tell me they found no reference to Draconian devil and lame saints."

"That's all?"

"No, also to tell us that they had just identified the numerics as Fibonacci numbers, but they suspected the series was meaningless."

Suslowicz was confused. "But they already sent agent McEwan to tell us that."

Romano shook his head. "They didn't send McEwan."


"According to the director, at my orders he played his entire team
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