
Chapter 2

Living with this family for the past four months is one of the best things that has happened to me in a long while. It's been really fun and I've eased into their lifestyle and adapted to it.

It was finally the day of my 21st birthday. Which also means the day I get to know my mate.

"Happy birthday" I knew Jo would be the first to wake me. She walked in holding a big cake followed closely by the rest of her siblings and Miranda, James's mate. She finally agreed to be with him after finding out what a great guy he is. Not without help from Jo and I by the way. It was just so heartbreaking to see James walk around like a depressed character from The Addams Family. They're the perfect couple now. I wish for that, other than the heartbreak part.

I sat up on the bed as I was bombarded with gifts. They really spoil me rotten in this house.

"Guys, you didn't have to" Lies, they absolutely have to. I adore gifts.

"Nothing is too much for our big sister," John said as she handed me his gift. Knowing him, it must be a joke of a gift, which I'll definably treasure.

"Mom says you should get ready for the process," Jaden told me. The process is the rites that lead up to the exact time of my birth which will lead to the preparation of finding my mate.

"Of course, I'll be ready soon. Y'all need to leave though. I can't prepare with you guys here" I shooed them out. Before they left though, I received a hug from each of them. And they filed out.

I arranged the gifts on my dresser and made my way to the bathroom.


As I came out to the living room where everybody has gathered, I heard applause and a crown was wedged on my head. I was ushered into a throne-like seat. I guess this must be their birthday tradition.

We had a bit of fun and cut the cake.

"Rose, love. Happy birthday, my girl" Aunt Melinda pulled me into a hug. I live for her hugs, she always smells so nice.

"Thank you" I murmured into her shoulder. She released me, only for me to be enveloped in another hug, this one bigger.

"Uncle Jackkkk" His hugs are always bear hugs. He's a big man but a huge softie.

"Happy birthday, Roseline" I love it when he calls me by my full name and that is saved for special occasions usually. He handed me a gift. " From me and your aunt. We hope you like it"

"You know I'll love anything you give me," I said as he gave me a side hug before letting go.

"Anyway, we have to go soon if we're going to make it in time for the process" Aunt Melinda looked at her watch " I'd reckon we have about an hour to get there"

"I'll be right back then so we can leave now" I went back to my room to pick up my bag and put on my shoes and joined them in the car.

The ride wasn't long, about 30 minutes at most. We stopped in front of a house that looks like every other house in the neighborhood but is actually the headquarters for the pack. We are meeting with some of the older wolves in the pack who will guide me through whatever I'm supposed to do.

We were welcomed by a woman who bowed slightly to my aunt and uncle. She then led us to a basement, which despite being underground was actually well-lit.

"Welcome Jack, Mel. Happy birthday, Rose" A familiar voice said. Kingsley 'King', one of the elder wolves though he doesn't look a day over 30.

"Thank you, King" I moved forward to go into his wide-spread arms. Today is a day for hugs.

"We have to begin now if we're going to make it in time for her exact time of birth" Another elder spoke up. She took a look at her watch " which is in 6 minutes".

We quickly positioned ourselves the way we were told the last time we came. And the process begins.

It's quite simple actually. A cut is made into my arm, and the blood is collected into a small bowl. Once it was the exact time, a droplet of blood was dropped into a tiny vial, which has magical properties, I'm told. The blood then swirls around and glowed before settling. The vial is then attached to a necklace which I'm to wear around my neck. It's this vial that'd help me find my mate. It was like a map to find whoever it is.

"This vial's half is with your soulmate. Once you're close to each other, they both will glow, notifying you both of the presence of the other" One of the elders explained. " Under no circumstances must you reject your mate as you're only assigned one" she held up a palm " and before you ask, no mistakes are made when choosing a mate. I'm pretty sure whomever your mate is, is perfect for you, else the great Wolf wouldn't have paired you both"

"Huh, that wasn't actually what I was going to ask, but ok" I scratched my neck " I wanted to ask what would happen if by chance one of us rejects the other?"

"Then, you both will be in a pain so excruciating you'll wish for death, but it would not come. Your wolf will die inside of you and without your wolf, you're useless and you'll eventually die too". Well, that's intense.

King handed me the necklace, which I wore "Here you go, honey. Tomorrow, you'll feel some changes which are totally normal and should not freak you out. Ok?" I nodded to show that I understood.

" You may go now. Everything is done" we were ushered out.

"Wait, how long will it take me to find my mate?" I was confused about it. My aunt answered the question instead

"Anytime from tomorrow honey. Your mate's smell will attract you to them even before you see the other half of your vial. You'll know once you smell a whiff of their scent". I thought meeting my mate was like tonight kind of thing. Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow then. The party was still ongoing when we got home. 

"Having a birthday party without the birthday girl, I see" I teased them before joining in. The party ran till quite late at night. I was exhausted when I went to bed though I was full and happy.


"Good morning, Rose"

I bolted up from the bed and looked around. My room was empty.

"Huh, who said that?"

"It's me" the voice replied.

"Guysssss, this has better not be a prank" I am really not in the mood for one. I checked the alarm beside my bed. 5 am. " You guys couldn't wait till proper morning before pranking me?"

"It's not a prank, idiot. It's me Bessie, your wolf". I then realized that the voice was coming from my mind not physically. I guess this must be one of the changes they talked about.

"Wow, I've never heard you speak before so it's quite a shock". Before, I've only felt undercurrents of Bessie's energy which helps me to pick up what she means or wants sometimes.

"That's because I was recessive. Your process yesterday fully unlocked me"

"Nice, but.. should we really be having this conversation at 5am?. I need my sleep you know" I yawned. It'd take a while to get back to sleep now.

"Absolutely necessary. You need to shift. I haven't been out in a while and I need to run. I need the rush of being out and myself"

"And we're going to do that now?" No way that's happening. It's barely light outside. I can't run in the dark to God knows where.

"Yes. NOW". She sounded impatient.

"Not happening" I lay down and put the covers over me. And then it became very hot. " If you're the one doing this, please stop. I need to rest".

“I just want to let you know that I can do worse things than just making you feel hot. Get up, you lazy bum"

Sassy and dominating? Why does she have to be this way? Can't she just be gentle and compliant? Urghhhh.

"You do know I can hear your thoughts, right?" I could swear she was snickering

"Whatever. Let's compromise instead. You let me sleep for one more hour and you can run all you want".

"I want to run and hunt. I'm really hungry right now and you wouldn't like me when I get hangry"

"If it's food you want, let me make you some toast instead" I stood up from the bed to head to the kitchen. She made a ' is she joking right now ' kind of noise.

"You think I eat what your punny human body needs to survive?. We're going. NOW" Now, she was beginning to get angry. I shouldn't push her to the limit. She's inside me and I don't know what else she could do to me.

"Fine. Fine. We'll go for your run and hunt".

"Good" She replied, obviously smug. She sounds like one of those people who will blackmail you into doing what they want you to do. It's going to be a long years for me. I wondered if I should put on clothes. Every other time I've shifted, I always shift back into my human form without the clothes back on.

"Don't worry about the clothes. They'll stay on. We're connected more deeply now so we can coordinate our thoughts to what we want" she assured me.

I picked out simple clothing and went outside. The back of the house leads into the woods and that's where I went to. And then I shifted. This time, it felt different from every other time I have. Before, I usually have no memory of what happens during the time I shift, but this time, I felt like a passenger in a car that is my own life. Despite it still being dark, I could see very clearly. Night vision. I also could hear every sound within a half mile radius.

"Ha, extremely good to be in control" I heard my wolf say. And then we ran. Faster than I could have thought possible. Bessie found a deer and rushed at it before I could blink my eyes, she tore into it.

"Ewwwww. That's disgusting" I commented when she ripped apart the deer to eat the intestines.

"You'll get used to it" She told me before walking towards a water source. I looked at the reflection in the water. My wolf is majestic, if I'm to say so myself. The dark brown of her fur was shiny and she has healthy coat. Her eyes are brown with flecks of gold and... Is that green? Where had that come from? Even with the blood on her stout, she looks great. Perfect. Like she commanded respect. We commanded respect.

"You can quit admiring me now. I know I look great, already" Such a narcissist.

“It's getting brighter now. I think we must have been out for over an hour already. I note this to my wolf. " We should get back now. I wouldn't want to worry the family. Also, I don't think it's advisable for anyone to see us out like this. It's dangerously close to a human town and they don't take kindly to wolves".

"You're right. Let's head back" Obviously energized, she ran faster than before and within a while, we were home. I shifted back at the back of the house. Like Bessie said, my clothes were still intact. Would have been weird if someone found me outside naked. Though I'm sure they'll understand. Most of the family was still asleep, so I snuck in, even though I'm certain someone must have picked up my radar. Extremely tired, I headed back to bed. But before I slept, Bessie whispered into my mind.

"Next step, finding our mate"

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