
50~The Burn Of Vengeance

Unknown POV

“Is she ever going to wake up?” A worried voice asked quietly in the room.

“She will. We just have to be a little more patient.” A firmer, more authoritative beautiful voice replied.

What were they talking about?

“But it's been four months. Maybe her body has rejected its healing?” The voice insisted.

“Are you questioning my capabilities, Malia?” The voice was soft but held an accusatory tone.

“My apologies, Artemis.” Malia apologized in a low voice. Wait, where had I heard that name before?

Where the hell was I? Who were this people and what was I doing here. Why is it dark here?

A deep headache hit my head, making me let out a pained groan. I heard a couple of gasps in the room. I tried again to open my eyes, but it refused to open.

I began struggling from the bed and a soft hand immediately held mine. Surprisingly, the touch calmed me. The person's hand felt so soft and comforting that I immediately stopped struggling.

“Be calm, child. You need not worry, you're safe
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