
70~My Feelings For You Never Changed

Aurora's POV

Pain surged through my every limb making me groan loudly as I attempted to sit up. My head felt like it was being pounded by a hammer, with a grimace I wrapped both my hands on my head trying to stop the painful pounding but instead it only got worse.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, taking in as much of my surroundings as I could. I immediately blinked them close as the brightness of the room affected my eyes. Where the hell was I?

I groaned. Why couldn't I remember anything? Was I kidnapped?

I tried to open my eyes again and this time, it adjusted with the light of the room. I finally took a look at my surroundings and my jaw dropped. Was I in heaven? Was the first thought that came to my head.

The room was luxurious with cream colored plush chairs and I was lying in a queen sized bed. A fucking queen sized bed. What the fuck?

I got out of the bed but immediately staggered back as the room seemed to shake. Shake? Why would a room shake? Unless I was... You have got to be kid
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