


Karmine's Point of View

"Where are you, Sis? Wala ka sa company at wala ka rin sa boarding house niyo. Hindi rin daw nila alam kung nasaan ka."

Bahagya ako’ng lumayo kay Madison na mahimbing na natutulog para hindi siya maistorbo sa ingay ko at baka magising pa siya.

"Lopez Residence. I'm babysitting my sister. I've got to hung up now, Reina. I'm quite busy." I heard her sighed on the other line.

"Look, Sis if this is about what my stupid brother did, I'm sorry, okay? Kakausapin ko siya. I'll fix this I promise."

Napasimangot ako ng maalala ang ginawa ng kapatid niya. I swear if I see him I'll slap him. Hard. Or maybe I'll give him a punch nang matauhan naman siya kahit na papaano.

"Look, Reina not everything in this world is all about your foolish brother, okay? Bye. I have to hung up now because as I said I am busy."

"Aalis ka?" I
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