
Chapter 3 - Presents From A Stranger

Aefstine’s room was by a corridor that was up a very big stair, but he was too tired to inspect it.

If the castle was weirdly warm, this part was for sure the warmest. It was as if the sun itself was living inside these walls, making Aefstine very comfortable. If this was how the castle was kept the whole winter, Maud didn't seem so bad.

He went to the window and gazed at the landscape, the horizon full of spruce and pines, and he could see the mountains in the distance even with the rain, pouring much tamer now. It was so comforting seeing the cold outside knowing he was all safe and warm behind these walls.

He shivered at the warmth and for a moment, wished to stay there, looking at that scene forever.

I'll never see this again after my father’s business is done here and we leave.

He shook his head. It doesn’t seem right to call his oldest sister’s marriage a business, but he was lost

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