
Chapter 91

"You bitch, you listen to me. I'm sure Bennett had told you how important I am. If you say a word to him, I'll make sure I destroy the Masons. And I'll make sure I destroy you," Allen said to Eden, threateningly stepping towards her. "I have tried to get reasonable with you but you can't understand shit. If I so much as feel him acting differently toward me, you'll see what I can do."

Eden stepped backward and she bumped into someone. She turned around to see Bennett standing right behind her. "Mind if I steal my wife back?" he asked with an amused smile.

Allen smiled charmingly and said, "This one's a keeper." He turned and looked at Eden "So happy to get acquainted with you, Eden."

Eden smiled and said, "It's my pleasure." Allen smiled at both of them and left to go back to Claire. Bennett took Eden's hand and started dancing with her again. Eden looked at Bennett and said with a tired and weary voice, "Can we leave now?"

Benett had a stern look on his face. He looked enraged when
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