
Episode - 149

[Seraphine’s POV]

In the throes of exhaustion and powerlessness, I knew that direct confrontation was no longer an option. Dorian had proven himself to be a formidable adversary, and my attempts to strike him down had faltered. It was time to resort to a different strategy, one that relied on the power of manipulation rather than force.

With a deep breath, I gathered the last vestiges of my strength and focused on the core of my abilities—the manipulation of memories. It was a skill I had honed over the years, allowing me to delve into the recesses of one's mind and reshape their recollections.

My eyes locked onto Dorian's, and I channeled my waning power into the intricate dance of manipulating his memories. I probed the recesses of his mind, searching for the threads of his resolve and intent.

Dorian's expression shifted from smug confidence to momentary confusion as my influence began to take hold. Memories, once crystal clear, wavered like a mirage in the desert, their contours bl
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