
45. A Goodbye


I ran down the stairs quickly before Mama caught me listening, my tears spilling down my cheeks. Why did Enrique hate me so much? Was it because his papa took his hand off because of me?

I clamped my hand over my mouth, rounding the corner as I stifled a sob, only to knock into Daddy and almost fall back. I got to my feet, ready to run away when he caught hold of my arms, kneeling down in front of me.

"What’s wrong, princess?"

I shook my head, flinging my arms around his neck and sobbing into his arms. He picked me up and I clung to him. I know Dante calls me a baby when Daddy carries me, but I'm sad.

"It’s going to be fucking ok." He stroked my hair, and I closed my eyes, inhaling his smell. "Tell me what happened?"

Safe. I was safe with Daddy.

I slowly moved back, staring at him, I needed to be brave and strong.

"Nothing Daddy, I'm a brave girl." I whispered, brushing away my tears with one hand.

"My girl is fucking brave. Always remember that."

I nodded, playing w
Moonlight Muse

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Comments (24)
goodnovel comment avatar
Niranjana Ammu
Well they were having a break for like the past 5-6 years... We only read when something comes up in their life, lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Nicole Bryers
Everytime she remembers to tell him what she heard, I get so excited! The more info., she gives, can help them possibly find out what's wrong with her & hopefully find him! They STILL need to figure out how to help Del & Dante! I hope they find him quickly! PLEASE NO DEATHS on our side! PLEASE!
goodnovel comment avatar
Jensen Osborn
Thank you!! Good to know

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