
54. Memories of Brownies


“Yeah? Well, I hope it does you fucking good. Let’s just hope you’re not killed for power.” I smirked sardonically, standing up.

“Ah no, that is your forte.”

He tensed as if scared of my response, but I didn’t have time for this shit. I looked down at him.

“When I return home, I will transfer the rest of the money. If anything else comes to mind, you will let me know.” I commanded coldly, my aura rolling off me.

His heart began racing, and I saw the panic that flitted across his face.

“What do you know?” I growled, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him up against the wall.

“I…I… I can’t say.” He choked,

“You can. What. Do. You. Know?!” I thundered, releasing my aura. I heard Kiara gasp as the man struggled to breathe.

“King Alejandro, you are a fool… Your son… We all know he appears like a normal boy, but the eyes of the world are on him. We know you have witches on your side, it’s easy to mask his abilities but tell me, how long will you hide what he is?”

Moonlight Muse

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Comments (38)
goodnovel comment avatar
Staci Quinn
y did u change it what happened to crossover
goodnovel comment avatar
Niranjana Ammu
Same here!
goodnovel comment avatar
can't find the book nor the author

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