
Bits & Pieces

And touch her he did. Taking his time caressing her. Stroking along the outside of her legs and appreciating her perfectly formed shape. The lovely globes of her breasts and then up to her slender throat. Slipping his fingers along it to touch her lightly. Cherishing every part of her. Rolling his fingertips along her inner arms and making her shiver pleasurably.

“You are mine, Murah.”

“I know…” She whispered. Opening her arms and tipping her head back to offer herself fully to his touches and sensual kisses.

Savage touched her until he was certain they’d both had their fill. Then he rubbed a rough palm along the inside of her thigh and fingered her lower lips until they were sopping with her need. He swirled a finger delicately into the trophy of her body. Feeling the downy softness wrapping around his digit while she panted and writhed over the coverlet. Beginning to lift her ass to meet his rubbing.

Finally, she leaned up to catch his arm in her cl

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