
123 Gloomy Day

I guess he was not there when I and Dad started the conversation because he doesn't know that someone from Sintti Organization tried to threaten my life. For sure, after this talk he will not stop not until father tell everything. But if Dad doesn't know anything, then he will investigate on his own. His focus will be drifted away from me.

"Serino is the one who carry out the mission during Laurent's burial" I added.

I mentally smirk when I saw how the creased on his forehead deepened. Fabio Serino should ready himself because Apollo will not going to leave him away unless he get the answer he needed.

"Did you ask Fabio? For sure there is just a mistake. Sintti will never hurt you, Herravie. You are the Hera of our organization, you are a Costello" he insist.

He is calmer now compared before which made me sigh.

I need him to stay calm.

"That's what I thought, as well. But that's not what happen"

I sound disappointed because I really am. I am not convince enough with what Dad
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marmo Kitty
This is like 3 in a row that are neither new or in order! No book is worth this nonsense.
goodnovel comment avatar
Anwar Begum
Repeat repeat repeat!!! I quit!!!!!

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