
86 Her Escape To Nightmare

"You should sleep early tonight, honey" my father said with a sweet smile plastered on his handsome face.

I am busy watching movie while he is busy persuading me to go to the bed early for our family activity tomorrow in school.

"Do you want to be late tomorrow?" He threaten that made me pout and look at him.

"I'm still watching Dad, please..." I whisper.

He laugh and pinch my cheek before fixing my long black hair. He was about to say something but then his phone ring so he stood on his seat and walk away. My gaze unconsciously follow him. I saw him walk outside, he's having a serious conversation with the person on the other line so I smile thinking that my father is finally busy so he doesn't have time to disturb my movie marathon.

But after a couple of minutes Dad return on my seat and suddenly turn off the television that made me frown.

"Daddy!" I scream but he smile warmly.

"You can continue watching on your room, honey" he patiently said.

"Why? I want to watch here bec
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