
Chapter 58 The Secret

Montero Villar POV

“Yes?” I said cautiously. I knew where I’d recognized her from—the pictures in Aryana’s apartment. But how the fuck did she know who I was? “Who wants to know?”

“Me,” she said, making me feel like the dumbest student in the class again. “When I find out that three bloody men show up on my doorstep, I make it a point to find out who they are.”

Oh shit. “You’re the one who owns the house Aryana and that nurse were staying at?”


“My compliments on what you’ve done with the place.” It was a crappy thing to say, but couldn’t she at least have torn down that ridiculous wallpaper?

She glared at me, but I saw a small crack in her façade that she didn’t like living in a place that looked like a cross between a nursing home and a National book store any more than I would. “I’ve been on tour. I haven’t had much time to do anything with it.”

More pieces fell into place. She was a singer. Now that I thought about it, I’d heard a thing or two about her. She sang at restaura
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