
Episode 17

Castle of love

Episode 17


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(Later that night)

Tiana: What are you searching for?

Austin: I can't find my drugs, I could remember leaving them in my drawer.

Tiana: Maybe you should ask the nurse.

Austin: Okay, Good idea.

(Austin goes to Blair's room)

Blair: Prince Austin... What's the matter?

Austin: I can't find my drugs, Do you know where they are?

Blair: It should be in your drawer

Austin: It's not there

Blair: Strange. Don't worry, I'll go help you check.

(Back in Austin's room)

Blair: (She searches for the drugs but doesn't find them) It's not here

Austin: I told you, Where could it be?

Blair: No worries, Doctor Lewiski gave me two more sachets, and I kept them under your desk.

Tiana: (shocked) Huh???

Blair: (She brings out the other drugs) Here it is!

(She hands it to Austin & he gulps a tablet down with water)

Blair: Hmm, Maybe I should hold on to the drugs (she looks at Tiana) So it won't go missing a
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