
Chapter 18

“You don’t have to stay, if you’d rather not,” Shannon said, her nerves twisting into tight knots.

Nick tore his attention from the television and looked at her. “You want me to go?”

The Tribute Tigers had won their homecoming game, and after joining the throng for an ice-cream cone at the Dairy Queen, Nick had walked her back to her room. He’d turned on the television and stared at it without

saying a word. That was ten minutes ago. He was brooding. She recognized it easily, as her father used to act the same way when something heavy had weighed on his mind. The trick was getting him to unload, or share the burden.

“No, I don’t want you to go,” she told Nick. “Do you want to talk about it?”

He stared at her, then looked back at the television. “I don’t know what

you’re talking about.”

Shannon felt a hot stinging behind her eyes. Her vision blurred. She whirled away from him and closed herself in the bathroom until she could beat back the threatening tears. He had just shut her out co
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